
Monday, February 2, 2009

Of milestones and nutrients

Well, we still haven't uploaded the sonogram pictures from over a week ago. Sorry about that. In the meantime, short story of the dr's visit from that day is that mom and baby look perfectly fine and healthy. Praise the LORD! I think its so easy to take for granted that babies are just always going to look healthy, when in reality many babies are even found to be unhealthy in utero.

This week is a fun milestone week for baby Oliver. You can read about how God is knitting him together this week here:

Nothing else really exciting to report. Except I thought I'll tell you that I always get really excited when I eat healthy/healthyish things. I start thinking about the particular nutrients baby is getting from particular things I eat. Its kind of odd how much I think about it and how excited I get about it. Like, I'll drink this pomegranate blueberry juice and think (or say to Oliver), "Baby! You're getting some Omega 3, right now! YAY!" Or when I eat fresh strawberries or bannanas I get excited that hes getting fresh fruit. If I have cereal and milk, I think how hes getting some whole grains and good dairy. If I have some beans or eggs, I get excited that hes getting some protein. If I eat a handful of nuts or some PB, i think how hes getting some healthy fats.

I think that's all for now. Ta ta.

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