
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Regarding Cankles

Oh yes. I am getting cankles. It is true. And so sad. Not pronounced, "Woah, Mom, look at that lady's cankles!" cankles...but....comparing my ankles to what they look like normally...they are...slightly fuller, now...

Andrew noticed them the other night when he was rubbing my feet (say it with me now, "awwwww"). I thought he was kidding. But no. No, he was not. (Side-story time!: back in December, I bought some knee-length shorts that were on clearance so that I could have them for this Spring. - Brought them home, showed them to Andrew, and his response? "Why did you get those? So you can show off your cankles (when you get them by next Spring)?" It was hilarious. Yes, I appreciate this type of humor. It does not at all offend me, in case you're worried. /End story.)

Hehe. It is funny because I don't have that swollen look to me (yet????) that a lot of pregnant women get, at ALL. But this must explain some of the soreness in my feet/back I've written about.

Just though you all might like to know about my cankles. Ta ta.

Oh. Not ta ta.

You can thank Andrew for the lovely new baby gaga ticker at the top of this page. I asked him, "Don't you think we should delete the floating baby widget to the left, now?" (Which is kinda freaky, in my opinion, anyway -- I mean...its a baby floating around in circles in amniotic fluid...for real?) But he likes the idea of multiple baby tickers/widgets on here. In fact, he suggested we put a whole bunch on here. He scares me sometimes.

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