
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Random Thoughts

You have no idea how many saved and unposted blog entries I have.

Songs and smells bring me back to specific memories/points in time throughout the years.

Tonight, at dinner, Paula Abdul's "Rush Rush" played, and all I could think of was being at Skate World during elementary school and hearing that play during Couple's Skate. How bizarre is that? I haven't thought of/heard that song in who knows how long, and I never consciously made that connection before. But apparently it is engrained in my memory somewhere.

To this day, when I smell Softsoap's classic scent (the clear liquid soap), I am right back at Trinity International University visiting Andrew at undergrad there when we dated, washing my hands in Mary and Laura's dorm room (which is who I stayed with there). That was more than 8 years ago. They had that soap, and that's all I ever think about when I wash my hands with that soap, now.

What are some of your smell/song connections?


The Inzer Family said...

oh my goodness!!! elementary skate parties sure bring me back - that is hilarious :)

I love the smell of cut grass. it makes me think of my dad b/c he always took such great care of the lawn :)

Sarah said...

There is a Bath and Body Works scent that I wore the summer I met Jesse and it always takes me back to visiting him in Idaho when he lived with and next door to his cousins; sunshine and dry heat, walking by the river, getting slurpies... one of my favorite scents because of the memories.
The perfume White Shoulders always makes me think of baby-sitters and TV dinners because my mom wore it on dates with my dad when I was growing up. Isn't it funny the strong and very real memories scents can trigger?